Street View - Besançon (25)
Street View - Besançon (25)
Streetview - A71 motorway
Streetview - L'hôpital (57)
Streetview - A71 motorway
Ebay - Gentilhommedefortune
Streetview - Martigues (13)
Ebay - Gentilhommedefortune
P.TROCCO - Strasbourg (67)
Despite all our knowledge and our research, certain models of lights remain mysterious, their origin and their manufacturer could not be established to date.
These lights are mostly quite old (1960s/70s), but some are more recent (1980s/90s).
They may have been the subject of a special design at the request of a municipality, or come from an ephemeral manufacturer, which marketed its products for only a short period.
All information about these lights is welcome, you can contact us via the "contact" page, accessible from the top menu.
Street View - A7 Nice (06)
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