The second version of the CC 8000 intersection controller is equipped with an integrated display and a 16-key keypad.
This controller has been established in La Rochelle, as well as in Africa and Asia.
This is the first controller designed by ESR, based on the EVR Isotrafic 300 controller.
It admits a maximum of 32 lines (in racks). The central rack admits 8 rows of lights, and the extensions can reach up to 10 rows of lights.
This module marketed by ESR allows the synchronization of several ESR C8000 controllers by GPS link (without cable).
The CC 8000 intersection controller in basic configuration allows the management of 8 phases (cars or pedestrians).
The addition of a double power peripheral card as a second module makes it possible to add 2 additional lines of lights. It is programmed by connecting a PC via the RS-232 serial port.
This is the evolution of the CC10000, which was designed to replace an EVR Isotrafic 300 controller (same dimensions).
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